Lamb karahi from Tuk Tuk

When we discovered a new food hall was opening at Abingdon Street Market in Blackpool, we couldn’t wait to try it out. At the end of July, we finally had the opportunity to visit the food hall, and we were not disappointed. Although my fellow diners tried the food from various stalls around the market, only one caught my eye- Tuk Tuk Soul Food Kitchen.

What I Ate at Tuk Tuk Soul Food

I am a huge fan of Indian cuisine, so it is always my first choice if there are several options from which I can choose. The varied menu of authentic Punjabi street food offered several dishes I wanted to try. If I return, I will try the vegetarian main and the samosas. My fellow diner ordered the stuffed naan, which he said was delicious.

However, I decided to try the lamb karahi on this occasion. I always look for how well an establishment cooks its meat when deciding if I want to eat at the restaurant again. Thankfully, the meat was falling apart (in a good way), and the sauce was thick and flavoursome. The generous portion of lamb karahi came with plenty of perfectly cooked rice.

One of the best parts of choosing food from Tuk Tuk was the vendors. They are a great team of guys working hard to produce quality food and offer excellent customer service. Due to our exceptional experience, we are more than happy to add Tuk Tuk to our list of the best Indian restaurants in Blackpool and to include Abingdon Street Market on our list of Blackpool’s best places to eat.

Additional Information About Tuk Tuk Soul Food

Abingdon Street Market

If Indian cuisine is not your first choice, there are plenty of other vendors you can try in the food hall at Abingdon Street Market. Check out our review of the Abingdon Street Market to learn more about the venue.